Thursday, January 24, 2013


This reading schedule is meant to be a tentative guide to the books and excerpts that we will read during the course. While we will work according to this schedule, it may change depending upon the class, students, and pace of discussion. 

Each week students will read assigned excerpts and short stories. On the syllabus, the works must be read before coming to class on the day that the reading is listed. 

Weekly Response Papers
Each week students will read selections from assigned texts then submit a type-written response. Responses should be 2 to 3 pages long, double spaced, and present your ideas about the reading based upon prompts or individual opinion about the reading. (Please support your ideas by giving examples using passages from the book or story to reinforce your thoughts, opinions, and observations).

Midterm Take Home Essay
Students will receive a take home question(s) and submit an essay in response to the question(s). Essays should be 4 to 6 pages in length, type written, and double spaced.

Students will present a 10-15 minute presentation about one of the works that we have discussed. Presentations will happen the last week of class and can include discussion questions, visual aids, or a multi-media format. This presentation should discuss the book or story in the context of our class and can also involve providing the class with information about the author. Students should seek to address the historical, cultural, and or social significance of the book they use as the focus of their presentation.

Final Paper
Students will submit a 4 to 6 page paper comparing and or contrasting at least two of the works that we have discussed during the semester. Drawing from the class discussions and previously submitted responses, students should thoroughly present their thoughts about the books/works using examples from the books/stories in order to support their ideas. 

Rather than receiving grades, students will be assessed based upon their progress and participation in the course. Students are expected to attend class at each meeting and will be allowed one excused absence during the course. Response papers, the midterm essay, and final paper will be assessed on a scale between 5 and 1. This scale is calculated based upon the content of the paper rather than upon grammatical and or structural elements. In other words, it is more important that students convey their point clearly and concisely than presenting a paper without errors. 

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