Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reading Schedule - Week 1

Reading Schedule - Week 1: 

21 January, Monday 
Introduction of the Course 

23 January, Wednesday 
Discussion: Jazz Age Fiction Hemingway and Fitzgerald
Please read before Wednesday’s class.

Ernest Hemingway, “Hills Like White Elephants,” (1927):

26 January, Saturday-"Hills Like White Elephants"

Response Paper #1—Please submit your response paper based upon this week’s readings (Hemingway) to classmates and the Professor by via email by 5 pm on Saturday 26 January. Students should read their classmate’s responses before the next class.

Questions to consider:
1. Hemingway does not give much information about the characters in his story and uses very little description through out the story. The information Hemingway leaves out is very important to the story. Why is this significant to how the reader understands the story?

2. What is the white elephant in the story? Why is the white elephant significant?

3. Is the conflict in the story resolved at the end of the story? If so or if not, please explain why this is significant to the story and to Hemingway's unique writing style?

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