Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week 2

Week 2
28 January, Monday 
F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Babylon Revisited,” (1931):

Questions to Consider for "Babylon Revisited":

1. From the story does Charlie seem like he has changed his ways? As a 
reader, whose side should we choose, Marion's or Charlie's?

2. Charlie returns to Paris in order to collect his daughter and has become financially successful while he has been away. What financial tensions exist between Charlie and his wife's family?

3. Much of the story is based upon Fitzgerald's personal experience being separated from his own daughter. Fitzgerald left his daughter Scottie in Paris with her governess, but his wife's sister Roselind thought she and her husband were more fit to raise her niece. Does the biographical basis of this story make the story more credible and real? 

4. In your opinion, will Charlie ever be allowed to have custody of his daughter?

30 January, Wednesday 
Discussion: Women and the Folk Community

Zora Neal Hurston, "Sweat" (1926):

2 February, Saturday
Response paper #2 due by 5 pm Saturday via email. Please write about Fitzgerald or Hurston in your response.

Questions to Consider for "Sweat":

1. What does Delia do to make a living? What does Sykes do to make a living?

2. What does Delia do to stop Sykes from beating her? How is she different from the other times that Sykes has threatened her?

3. The men at the local store give the reader background about Delia and Sykes relationship and marriage: How is the marriage/relationship different now than when it began according to the men?

4. What is unique about the language or dialogue that Hurston uses in the story?

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